Thursday 8 July 2010

Day 9

It looks like my first experiment is a success! the colonies pictured below from yesterday (looking like a smudge in the top right corner) just happened to be the colonies which seem to grow on hygromycin (the new resistance gene) and dont grown on G418 anymore which probably means they have lost thier old resistance gene and that it has been replaced with the new one!

The first thing I did today was to prepare the colonies for fluctuation tests to measure how different the altered chromosome is in comparison with the wildtype in regards to how stable they are. I spread colonies across more plates in oder to get lone colonies as these are needed for running fluctuation tests.

After this I carried on with the other fluctuation test i am running and it is still running uncontaminated. I diluted samples ready for plating tommorow.

I then finished my DNA plugs from yesterday. They are now ready for analysis via pulse field gel. This is to find isochromosomes in the samples by sorting by size.

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