Friday 9 July 2010

Day 10

Today involved a lot of repetitive tasks, the second part of the fluctuation test involved firstly counting cells from each of the samples and then working out individual dilutions to make sure enough cells from each sample were plated. After this set of dilutions I made triplicates of each plate. I then needed to make further dilutions in order to plate just 500 cells onto the normal medium (luckily only 1 copy of these were needed for each sample). These plates will be left over the weekend for further counting on monday!

I then got to cross the yeast strain I made from my transformation (with the altered mini chromosome) into a mutant strain called p1-delete. This is to add the mini chromosome (with new hph resistance gene) into yeast which we can use with the Bioneer Library (a mutant library which uses S.Pombe yeast). This crossing should give us the mutant yeast with our new mini chromosome.

Lastly I learned about another metho of testing chromsome stability with the use of UV or gamma radiation and survival curves. I also will need to do many many more crossings (1000s) with this library and so I may be taught how to use the robot next week in order to do this quickly :)

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