Monday 12 July 2010

Day 11

Unfortunetly I found out that today my fluctuation test did not work properly.. this was because the mutant strain seems to have lost its Ura marker and grew far too much, so much so that I could not count colonies on the plates. So I started the experiment again by inoculating again with the same strains grown on plates which should gurante they have not yet lost ura.

I also began another fluctuation test but this time on the product from my own experiment with the new marker, in order to see how the altered mini chromosome fares in comparision to the wild type.

I got to see how to run a pulse field gel using the DNA plugs I made the other day. Pulse field gels are similar to normal gel electrophoresis except that the electric current is not passed straight from one end to the other, it is run in more of a zigzag. This makes it possible to run DNA of much larger size in a gel e.g. our minichromosome. Hopefully tommorow I should get a good picture of the results.

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