Wednesday 7 July 2010

Day 8

Today I was pleased to see some of the 75 colonies I spread on new plates had grown! I made replica plates of these growths on YEA (normal medium), the hygromycin antibiotic (they should now be able to grow on this) and the G418 (they should not be able to grow on this anymore if the transformation was completely successful). This should be the last selection stage. The photo below shows a plate with a yeast growth in the top right:

After putting the new selection plates in the incubator I then had to think about the other experiments i'd been given to do from other scientists investigations (about isochromosomes). I had to carry on the fluctuation test I began yesterday and make some more DNA plugs.

I first made sure that the cultures I made for the fluctuation test were infact yeast and not some other contaminant. I'll need to do this after each generation of the culture to make sure I am not diluting and growing something I shouldnt be. It would be a big waste of time. I then diluted the colonies so that they will carry on growing (have space) and put them back into the incubator.

After that I carried out most of the procedure for making DNA plugs though I didnt have time to finish, so I left the DNA at a safe point to finish tommorow morning. It is still very nice feeling to be doing these new experiments on my own.

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