Thursday 15 July 2010

Day 12

Today (this was meant to be written tuesday) I had a bit of an accident involving agarose gel and hurt my hand so ive not written anything til now.

Before I managed the silly accident I managed most of my work for the day. I diluted my samples for both of my fluctuation tests.

I also got to view the results of the pulse field gel I began yesterday, I will add pictures to a later post as I havent yet scanned the photos. The pulse field gel was successful, it showed some bands at the right size to be the normal mini chromosome, it also showed some samples had formed isochromosomes. The bands were very clear which showed the DNA plugs were nicely formed.

I did not work on wednesday due to the accident, one of my collegues carried on my dilutions in the fluctuation test for me, thats all I had to do that day.

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