Monday 19 July 2010

Day 16

Firstly I had a look at the last stage of my fluctuation tests (the plates that had been growing over the weekend). On inspection the Pli-1/wild type fluctuation test seemed to have worked, there were a similar number of colonies growing on each plate. The Hph/wt test however hadnt worked so well, there seemed to be an acceptable number of colonies growing of the Hph samples but not of the wildtype. I realised i'd made a mistake when making up the plate mediums and this is what caused the problem. I had to start this test again as it is no good without controls from the wild type to compare to.

I then went on to look at the Hph/Pli-1 strain I had streaked in a plate for replica plating. The colonies seemed to have grown well, so I replica plated them onto plates containing Hph and Nat and also a plate that is ura -. If a colony grows on all three of the replica plates it is likely that it contains all three of the markers we want.

Some colonies from the Hph and Pli-1 fluctuation tests were inoculated for growth over the next few days in order to be later lysed to be made into DNA plugs.

This means over the rest of the week I will be carrying on a new fluctuation test, making DNA plugs and running pulse field gels. There is also a seminar that looks interesting going on at the centre on wednesday which I might attend; on "The role of rad50 in protecting the genome".

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