Wednesday 30 June 2010

Day 3

Today was going to be quite a short day in the lab because I only really had two important things to do in my experiment. The first thing i needed to do was to make replica plates of the culture plates I made the day before (the possibly transformed cells).

Replica plating is a way of transferring the colonies growing on one plate to a new plate. I needed to do this because now the cells have had time to grow and express thier resistance gene (if they took it up) and so they could now be transferred to a plate with the antibiotic in its medium. This will allow the selection process to take place over night in the incubator.

Once i'd done this I made up another culture of the wild type S. Pombe and put it in the incubator too. I did this just incase my first transformation failed so that I could do another one straight away.

After i'd done these things I decided to stay and watch some of the other people working in my lab to see what they were doing (if they didnt mind). I got to see another transformation (in E.coli thsi time) and also a method of retrieving pure protein from yeast via the TCA method.

Hopefully tommorow I should see some evidence of whether my experiment is still working, fingers crossed!

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