Tuesday 29 June 2010

Day 2

Well its been another good day in the lab. I now know how to carry out a transformation experiment with the DNA I obtained yesterday (from the PCR experiment) into S.Pombe fission yeast. It involved alot of centrifugation to prepare the DNA from the culture grown over night into a solution suitable for addition to the cells. I then got to plate out the possibly (hopefully) transformed cells onto agar plates of normal growth medium to be left over night.

The selection process will begin tommrow once the cells that have taken up the DNA have had enough time to grow and start expressing thier new resistance.

I also got to see a presentation by a student working on a similar experiment while I was waiting for part of my experiment to run. It was interesting to hear about what he'd learned because it was on a similar subject to my own project. It was good to see what sort of level knowledge I could have on the subject in a few years if I stayed on after my BSc degree.

I'm off to write up some of the methods ive been shown so that I hopefully wont need help when i do the procedures again, so thats it for today :)

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